Crazy – Marika Gombitová (anglická verzia)

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No. 5 - Marika Gombitová.jpg
Iné názvy slov. verzia: Crazy
Interpret Marika Gombitová
Album No. 5
Vydavateľ Opus
Rok 1985
Žáner Pop
Text / hudba Kamil Peteraj, K. Karovičová-Rybková /
Marika Gombitová
Dĺžka 4:00
pridajte odkaz na youtube video k skladbe nám chýba, môžeš ho pridať v tomto dotazníku.
Text piesne
crazy why did you get this name
crazy i know it’s only game
to give you play with them
with people watching circus shows

crazy i know your lonely soul
crazy the world can be cruel and cold
crazy i know your love true tears
please leave the circle stand
i want to hear your voice
crazy i will be waiting at the door

you will come here
i know that you will come
forget that you are famous
forget your laugh
forget your tears
i am here i’m waiting

crazy hear you can be yourself
crazy i want to feel your warms
my room is small but nice
and i prepare the tea
crazy no audience just you and me

you will come here
i know that you will come
forget that you are famous
forget your love
forget your tears
i am here i’m waiting

crazy stay with me for a while
crazy i want to see your smile
the show is finished now
the make-up is washed off
crazy i’m waiting here for you
for you
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