Memories – Marika Gombitová

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No. 5 - Marika Gombitová.jpg
Iné názvy slov. verzia: Moja planéta
Interpret Marika Gombitová
Album No. 5
Vydavateľ Opus
Rok 1985
Žáner Pop
Text / hudba Kamil Peteraj, K. Karovičová-Rybková /
Marika Gombitová
Dĺžka 3:49
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Text piesne
now you live alone
you can have what you want
you can be yourself at last
you can be happy

now you live alone
you left our common word
i have my empty flat
and you have lots of loves
i’ll be never cross with you
i have loved you it was true

memories are like the wingless birds
memories are moments without words
memories are open wounds that hurt
i know it well
oh yes i know it well

i understand you are strong
and you are a man
i understand you want to live
as free as a bird

so many times
i tried to expel you from my heart
yes many times
i wanted to part company with you
i have a weak woman’s heart
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