Mothers – Marika Gombitová

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My Friend The Tree - Marika Gombitová.jpg
Iné názvy slov. verzia: Keď svitá pod srdcom žien
Interpret Marika Gombitová
Album My Friend The Tree
Vydavateľ Opus
Rok 1984
Žáner Pop
Text / hudba Kamil Peteraj, K. Karovičová-Rybková /
Marika Gombitová
Dĺžka 7:20
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Text piesne
the beam of a veil light
saddened woman
in the night
she she sits and prays
for pain for message from her child
if he comes if he comes

when it comes
the message is here
closes her eyes and
so you can just see
little fear

when it comes
the message is here
the woman is waiting
for tomorrow
that is near that is near
it’s so near
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