My Friend The Tree – Marika Gombitová (skladba)

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My Friend The Tree
My Friend The Tree - Marika Gombitová.jpg
Iné názvy slov. verzia: Môj brat strom
Interpret Marika Gombitová
Album My Friend The Tree
Vydavateľ Opus
Rok 1984
Žáner Pop
Text / hudba Kamil Peteraj, K. Karovičová-Rybková /
Marika Gombitová
Dĺžka 3:05
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Text piesne
now listen to my story
that tree deserves the glory
he’s my friend is my friend

he welcomes every morning
he leaves you without a waming
my friend my friend the tree the tree

he’s standing on the meadow
his branches cast the shadow
upon the flourishing land
he he is a part of nature
he he is the past the future
my friend my friend the tree the tree

teach me the song of heavens
you are so old and clever
tell me please the secret of life

you you have your wisdom world
is your kingdom all my trees
so big and free

he welcomes every morning
he leaves you without a waming
my friend my friend the tree
he he’s the part of nature
he he knows the past the future
my friend my friend the tree the tree
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